You can tell if you hit them even in the arms and all you hear is the metal clink sound and no blood trail. There's an occasional bug that causes Demolishers to be invincible. Zere’s lab and start defending it from Rais’ thugs.
#Dying light demolisher rock plus
Zere and His Lab This mission begins immediately following the cut scene with Brecken, plus there is a timer to worry about for the current objective. It deals 100 damage and takes a while to recover, allowing it to hit you 1 or 2 more times. 1 lOwOie 1:21pm Originally posted by So Many Watermelons: Reload game. Dying Light Mission 6: The Pit Demolisher Boss Fight Prima Games Staff JanuDefend Dr. Just do one hit each time then immediately chamber back up, even if you stun it (by power hitting in the head). Why is it that this zombie all of a sudden is god mode Before the enhanced edition, they were fun but now they're just because you can't kill them at all.

I eventually beat it to death with table legs (killing the viral waves that appear with my machete and stomping on their heads) then chucked my last table leg and killed it. You can also scrap pipes for metal parts to repair the machete Rais gives you. When your weapon is busted, throw it at the demolisher for additional damage. Just get the Demolisher right next to a crate, climb the crate, after he throws a rock, walk off the crate, kicking him in the face (regular kick, not dropkick), then quickly retreat up the crate again, and repeat. Immediately leap backward and chamber up the cargo box, wait for it to throw another rock then repeat. There’s a way to kill the Demolisher with relative ease, even if you’re a low level on Nightmare. Wait for it to throw a rock attack then fall down on it while releasing the power attack, aiming for its head which can stun it. Lure the demolisher to one of the cargo boxes.

It took a whole bunch of tries and some of my deaths took off some of its armor but the same principle should apply. Managed to deal about 5% damage with a hammer and explosives Originally posted by Cellador93:I'm stuck there as well