Reevaluate your finances after quitting your job. Take a day or a week to de-stress before making big decisions or starting your new job search. Do stress-relieving activities such as meditating, taking a yoga class, going for a walk, practicing deep breathing or finding a quiet place to be alone. De-stressĪfter you have completed the challenging task of quitting your job, allow yourself to relax. These are acceptable and understandable reasons to quit a job. Possible reasons for quitting might include: Know how you are going to respond to these questions so your answer is positive.

Have an explanationĪfter quitting a job, your former employer, colleagues, friends, family and hiring managers might ask you why you quit.
If you maintain a professional relationship, they might provide you with references and recommendations in the future. You are likely to work with or encounter these individuals again if you remain in the industry, so stay positive. Even if you are leaving the organization because you disagreed with your manager or company policies, keep this information to yourself. Act professionalĪvoid saying anything negative about your former colleagues after you have left the company.
Related: How to Write a Professional Thank You Letter (With Examples) 5. Regardless, a formal thank-you is a professional gesture that can help you stay on good terms with or get a recommendation from your previous employer in the future. If you remain close with your former manager, you might even take them to lunch to say thank you. Be genuine, and provide examples of meaningful scenarios, such as when your employer taught you an important skill or showed generosity. Within a week after quitting, send your former manager a formal letter thanking them for their guidance and support during your employment. If they say yes, confirm their personal contact information. If you quit on positive terms and have a good relationship with your manager or colleagues, ask if you can list them as references on job applications. Offer to help train your replacement or the person who absorbs your duties. List your daily tasks, ongoing or existing projects, login information, important contacts and tips. If you are not leaving the company immediately, make your departure easier on your manager and colleagues by documenting your duties and workflows. Not only do you want to remove all personal information from the computer, but you might also need certain documents for your new job search.

Transfer all your personal files, contacts, performance reports or other important documents off the computer using an external storage device, flash drives or cloud-based storage option. If you did not clean all the personal information off your work computer before quitting, remember to do so before you leave. Here are 15 smart things to do immediately and in the days and weeks after quitting a job: 1. Related: How to Quit a Job the Right Way 15 things to do after quitting a job Planning ahead can help you be satisfied in your decision to quit your job and allow you to be relaxed and confident at job interviews or in your new job. When quitting your job, it is important to be prepared for what comes next so you can set yourself up for success in your new job. Why is it important to know what to do when you quit your job? In this article, we list 15 things to do after you quit your job. Get organized and prepare yourself for the next step in your career. After you complete the challenging task of quitting, however, the search for or start of your new job begins. Quitting your job may sometimes be necessary if you are ready to change roles, companies or careers.